Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why I Read ALI Community Blogs

In April 2010 I will mark the 45th anniversary of the loss of my first and only pregnancy. After several years ttc, we chose adoption as the way to build our family. Even though I love my boys with all my heart (and they truly are MY boys), I cannot forget my little angel baby. It breaks my heart that women are still suffering with unexplained infertility and early miscarriage just as I did all those years ago.


  1. Hi, Suzanna.

    Thinking of your angel baby, too. Of course you will never forget her. She's a part of your story, your tapestry.

    I'm glad you read ALI blogs :-).

    1. I recently read Mel's Microblogging post and decided to try writing again. In the process of doing that I remembered I had started a blog several years ago. When I looked it up I found my one little orphaned post. I also discovered that I had two comments! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. It means a great deal to me.

      This coming April (2015) it will be 50 years. It seems impossible it could be that long ago. I have often read posts about miscarriages and the writer will comment to the effect, "does the pain ever go away?", "will it always feel this raw?" I am always so conflicted about commenting. On one hand, I want to tell then that it does get better, but it never goes away completely, no matter what comes after that loss. How can I tell them that 5, 10, or even 50 years later they will remember the anniversary of the loss and the unfulfilled due date? I think some might find that depressing and there is quite enough depression in the ALI community. I don't want to be the cause of some poor soul thinking, "Oh no, I'll never be able to forget this pain!" And that's the last thing I want to do.

      Again, thank you for your very thoughtful comment. Sorry it took me 4 1/2 years to acknowledge it.

  2. So touching. Thanks for your support.
